This WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 450.
Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining and I highly recommend to level Minnig
and Blacksmithing at the same time, because you will need a lot of gold
if you want to buy everything from AH. It will take a lot of dedication
to get to the end and get those epic items. Also, like other crafting
trades, the benefits only really start showing at the end, so this
Blacksmithing guide will be a massive gold drain all the way up to 450.
Approximate Materials Required for 1-450:
- 133 Rough Stone
- 190 Copper Bar
- 24 Coarse Stone
- 5 Silver Bar
- 120 Bronze Bar
- 150 Heavy Stone
- 5 Gold Bar
- 230 Iron Bar
- 35 Green Dye
- 50 Steel Bar
- 5 Truesilver Bar
- 60 Solid Stones
- 150 Mageweave Cloth
- 320 Mithril Bar
- 20 Dense Stone
- 490 Thorium Bar
- 80 Rugged Leather or 10 Star Ruby
- 155 Fel Iron Bar
- 10 Netherweave Cloth
- 100 Adamantite Bar
- 325 Cobalt Bar
- 547 Saronite Bar
- 38 Eternal Earth
- 13 Eternal Shadow
- 13 Eternal Water
WoW Blacksmithing Leveling Guide 1 - 450
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Blacksmithing.
75 - 125
Learn Blacksmithing Journeyman.
- 100 - 105
5 x [Silver Rod] - 5 Silver Bar, 10 Rough Grinding Stone
125 - 200
Learn Blacksmithing Expert.
- 150 - 155
5 x [Golden Rod] - 5 Gold Bar, 10 Coarse Grinding Stone
200 - 275
Learn Blacksmithing Artisan.
At skill level 200 and character level 40, Blacksmiths can choose to specialize as an Armorsmith or a Weaponsmith. Weaponsmiths can later further specialize into Hammer-, Axe- or Swordsmiths.
All specialized armor and weapons are Bind on Pickup and can only be
used by the blacksmith that made them. Most specialization recipes
require difficult components, such as Primal Mights, Primal Nethers,
and Nether Vortexes. If you want to read more about Blacksmith
specialization, please visit these pages: Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing.
275 - 350
Go to Outland and learn Blacksmithing Master.
- 290 - 300
Choose one from the recipes listed below. They both requires 12 Thorium
Bar for each craft, the only difference between them is that you need 1
Star Ruby for the Helm and 8 Rugged Leather for the Boots. 10 x [Thorium Boots] - 120 Thorium Bar, 80 Rugged Leather
10 x [Thorium Helm] - 120 Thorium Bar, 10 Star Ruby
350 - 450
Go to Nothrend and learn Blacksmithing Grand Master.
- 415 - 425
13 x [Eternal Belt Buckle] - 52 Saronite Bar, 13 Eternal Earth, 13 Eternal Shadow, 13 Eternal Water Make these until 425. You can sell these at the auction house, so you will get most of your gold back.
- 425 - 430
For this part, there is around 10 or more recipes. They need the
same amount of Saronite Bars, the only difference is that they need
different kind of Eternals. This is the only recipe that requires
Eternal earth - which is the cheapest Eternal - so I suggest you to
craft this one.
5 x [Daunting Handguards] - 60 Saronite Bar, 5 Eternal Earth
The next one is a really nice alternative if Titanium Bars are cheap on your server.
12 x [Titanium Weapon Chain] - 24 Saronite Bar, 12 Titanium Bar
- 445 - 450
You can continue to make [Daunting Legplates],
but the recipe will be green. Other option is to craft epic items for
players, without a fee. I don't really recommend to craft them with
your own materials, because Naxxramas is so easy, everyone can get free
epics from there. Not much player are willing to buy the crafted epics
from the AH. It's too risky.
I hope you liked this WoW Blacksmithing Guide, GZ to 450!
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