WoW Alchemy Guide 1-450
This WoW Alchemy guide will show you the fastest way how to level
your Alchemy skill up from 1 to 450 as inexpensively as possible.
Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two you can
save a lot of gold, and you can sell the potions later too. C
The materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point
each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra
materials while you are leveling your Alchemy.
Approximate Materials Required for 1-450:
- 59 x Peacebloom
- 59 x Silverleaf
- 80 x Briarthorn
- 30 x Bruiseweed
- 15 x Mageroyal
- 40 x Stranglekelp
- 30 x Liferoot
- 30 x Kingsblood
- 45 x Goldthorn
- 5 x Wild Steelbloom
- 70 x Sungrass
- 15 x Khadgar's Whisker
- 20 x Arthas' Tears
- 40 x Blindweed
- 75 x Golden Sansam
- 40 x Mountain Silversage
- 38 x Felweed
- 20 x Ragveil
- 101 x Dreaming Glory
- 10 x Netherbloom
- 40 x Nightmare Vine
- 20 Talandra's Rose
- 70 Goldclover
- 41 Tiger Lily
- 24 Adder's Tongue
- 10 Icethorn
- 40 Lichbloom
- 10 Dark Jade
- 10 Huge Citrine
- 10 Eternal Fire
- 74 x Empty Vial
- 65 x Leaded Vial
- 100 x Crystal Vial
- 170 x Imbued Vial
WoW Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 - 450
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy.
60 - 140
Learn Alchemy Journeyman.
140 - 210
Learn Alchemy Expert.
210 - 285
Learn Alchemy Artisan.
285 - 360
Go to Outland and learn Alchemy Master.
Once you reach an Alchemy skill of 325 and level 68, you may begin a quest to learn one of three specializations: Potions, Elixirs or Transmutations.
360 - 450
Go to Nothrend and learn Alchemy Grand Master.
- 410 - 425
This recipe turns green at 422, so you might need to make more than 20.
20 x [Runic Mana Potion] - 20 Goldcover, 40 Lichbloom, 15 Imbued Vial
- 435-450
There is no point in leveling further than 435. You can make every
Flask at 435. At the moment there is only 1 recipe that requires 445
skill, and thats [Transmute: Eternal Might]. The funny thing is that there isn't any single recipe or anything that use Eternal Might as a material...
I hope you liked this WoW Alchemy leveling guide, GZ to 435 or even 450! Ключевые слова: Алхимия, Alchemy Guide, Alchemy